Dairypower's Latest Aeration Project in Romania
Before the world ground to a halt and international travel (OK all travel not deemed ‘essential’) was restricted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Dairypower’s aeration specialist and project manager Rick Crowley travelled to the southeast of Central Europe to commission a Smart Slurry Aeration System, which had been recently installed at a large pig unit in Romania. Now he just has to ‘Remain-Here’ (well, until the restrictions are lifted)!

Storing up to 3 Million Gallons of Pig Slurry!
After a previous visit towards the end of last year to check out this large project, Rick returned to orchestrate and oversee the main installation work, with a gang of local engineers taking the work up to the commissioning stage. The system was installed in a lined lagoon which has the capacity to store up to 3 million gallons of pig slurry.
As you can imagine, a lot of work goes into the installation process and a lot of pipe! In fact over 3 km of pipe was used! These pipes make up the network of manifolds that complete the layout for any Smart Slurry Aeration System, optimising the positions of the non-return outlet valves (800+ on this job alone!), making sure that the slurry is mixed and aerated perfectly.

Safer, Smarter Farming with Dairypower
This Dairypower Smart Slurry Aeration System will require little maintenance and will use minimal energy, even for such a large storage facility. Air is pumped through the slurry for set time-periods in sequenced sections of the tank, mixing the slurry so that it is always ready to spread, 365 days a year. It is the only viable answer to storing manure in these massive volumes. This in itself establishes the Smart Slurry Aeration System as the safest, most cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of keeping slurry in a homogeneous pumpable state.
Our slurry management system can be fitted to old storage facilities or new units and is suitable for use not only pig farms, such as this one in Romania, but also cattle and poultry set-ups. Dairypower have been manufacturing slurry-handling equipment since 1973 and are now a global company exporting to over 30 countries worldwide, including their range of highest-quality, fully galvanised, automated scraper systems.

Wishing them Success in Romania
Rick completed and commissioned the install at the beginning of March. He has now returned to Ireland to stay safe at home with his family until this crisis has passed. Luckily for us at Dairypower, we have a global network of trusted and highly skilled installers and dealers who are keeping farms up and running, to make sure they can keep producing for the public.
It was great for Dairypower to be in Romania to see this wonderful project finished and ready for use. We wish the owners every success with their new system and we’ll be looking forward to coming back to visit again! Hopefully, not too far in the future…
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