Dairypower has established several class-leading products as a staple of the slurry management industry. Since we introduced our unique slurry management products to the Irish market in 1998, we have grown from strength to strength to a position where we have installed tens of thousands of bespoke slurry management systems across the entire globe. Our top-of-the-line slurry management systems offer tailor-made solutions which can be custom installed to suit the exact shape and size specifications that your farm, tank or holding yard requires.
A waste management policy is one of the key factors to consider when designing or upgrading your farmyard. Another key factor to consider is farm efficiency, and incorporating expertly run systems to make your farm management simpler and safer.
Caring for the environment is important to farmers, and with the Climate Action Plan in place, it is essential for farmers to reduce their emissions by at least 25% by 2030. Farmers can help the environment in many different ways, and reducing these emissions can begin right in the farmyard, with the slurry management system they chose to put in place.
It is never too late to consider an upgrade on your slurry management solutions. At Dairypower, we provide the option of retrofitting our market-leading slurry technology to farmers. So if it is not an option to install a slurry management aid at the building stages, or you are looking to adapt a slurry management solution to your current facilities, Dairypower can provide this custom-made option to you!
Is Retrofitting an Option for You?
We recognise that there is a need to assist farmers who wish to upgrade their existing slurry management technology to more modern products and innovations, such as the ones we offer here at Dairypower. Therefore we created our class-leading products with this requirement as an easy-to-access option. This ensured all of our systems can be retrofitted relatively straightforward into farming enterprises of all types. For example, our Smart Slurry Aeration System can be retrofitted into any tank, regardless of its size and structure, and has been fitted into every slurry storage type under the sun! Such as slatted tanks, round slurry stores and lagoons.
Retrofits are performed when existing structures need to be adapted to new innovative technologies, such as the addition of our Smart Slurry Aeration System into an existing underground slatted tank which was previously agitated by tractor agitator or the implementation of our Eco-Clean Rope Scraper to a cubicle house which was previously scraped with a tractor. The combinations available are endless, and a couple of hours fitting work could lead to a lifetime of hassle-free slurry management!

Retro Fitting Our Smart Slurry Aeration System
Retrofitting the Smart Slurry Aeration System is a simple and streamlined process. All we request is a fully clean, swept clean tank prior to the fitting process. Retrofitting our aeration system is a common process, which we have handled with expertise thousands of times. This Smart Slurry Aeration System can be fitted to any shaped tank, new or existing, regardless of size and structure!
As we have performed thousands of retrofits into many customers’ tanks across the globe, this indicates the popularity of this product and showcases the absolute ease of our retrofitting process, into the pre-existing structures. This assisted farmers to upgrade their current outdated systems. This also had the benefit of reducing harmful gas emissions, helping the environment as well as reducing labour costs on farms.
Guidelines for Retrofit
Due to the fact we have gained an extensive amount of experience installing these systems as retrofits, we have come up with a set of guidelines that can simplify the process and help you prepare for your retrofit.
Here are some straightforward guidelines for preparing for a retrofit:
- Most importantly, we recommend you do not enter a slurry store without a slurry gas detector as non-aerated slurry can be highly toxic with the release of deadly gases which cannot be smelled.
- The best practice when cleaning the tank would be to use a reduction pipe on your vacuum tanker, down to a four-inch pipe to remove the slurry.
- A submersible pump can provide a simple way of removing the remaining water from the base of the tank.
- Lastly, the base of the tank requires a ‘swept clean’ finish, this can be done in several different ways.
- Some tanks could have some remaining silt and a skid steer loader can be used to remove these solids or a track machine bucket can be used for this purpose.
Once these processes have been completed to all parties satisfaction, Dairypower can take over and complete the retrofit install of this Smart Slurry Aeration System to modernise your farm and make slurry handling a task of the past.

A Recent Retrofit in Co.Laois, Ireland
We recently retrofitted our Smart Slurry Aeration System on a Co.Laois dairy farm, in mid-September 2022.
As you can see from this picture, the tank was completely cleared out and dried in order to make space for our workers to retrofit the system. The new system was installed in less than two days and then the tank could return to business as usual, storing all the collected slurry!

Retrofitting Scraper Systems
We can also retrofit our bespoke slurry scraper systems, into your existing housing passageways. There is little to no pre-installation work required for installing our scraper systems, these can be carried out with even greater efficiency than a retrofit for the Smart Slurry Aeration System. We offer a choice of two unique scraper systems, namely the Eco-Clean Rope Scraper System and the Pro-Clean Ratchet Scraper System. We also supply a backing gate system for milking parlour yards, known as the Easy-Flo Backing Gate.
Retrofitting one of our custom-designed slurry management systems could be your perfect solution to pristine passageways, clear milking parlour yards and environmentally safe slurry storage. Why wait for your slurry management to become outdated? Upgrade your on-farm system today with the experts at Dairypower!
Learn More
Learn about the complete information you need to know with regard to retrofitting our bespoke Slurry Management Systems into your current structures. Reap the full benefits of our custom-install slurry management solutions by visiting our website at www.dairypower.com where you can also book a demonstration.